[narrator] When disaster happens real-time information and the ability to communicate are critical to helping people in need. Introducing the Phantom Eye. [Phantom Eye] It's an eye in the sky...
Wow. Here we are. Episode 23 of Where the Bears Are Season 2. It's hard to believe we're here, right? Hey before we get to that I have some very special news. I want to let everybody...
Unlike leaving the growler to dry on its side or upright where grimy beer water still remains, the growler collar allows water to drain out efficiently. This ingenious plastic disc has three non-slip...
Hi! Do you know about a special event on April 11th? The proceeds will go to support Bridges. We will be hosting a Growler Night at Yazoo Brewing Company. Their address is 910 Division Street in...



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From the front you turn back keeping your arm on the plane from the door frame straight to the target and the arm should lower the the shoulder when you are starting and then you drop down and the arm...



music music music I'm gonna talk about grip and alignment I use a fan grip the fingers are spread across the flight plate the thumb pinches into the index finger the pad of the thumb most of...



from the door frame we can work backwards into the x-step so from landing position the starting position we can work backwards I start with a pre-swing so I'm alread in that position where I...
For 30 years, Hi-Techniques has developed increasingly powerful high performance Data Acquisiton Systems. The design goal was simple, to leverage emerging technology to design the most capable, most...

