at the end of last week we discussed uh... how patrick murphy an allele lesser-known interesting contest in florida approach for a freeze democrat town west of course is a right wing tea party...
>> Female announcer: This is a production of WKNO, Memphis. Production funding for "Sports Files" is made possible in part by... >> Gaston: My guest today...
let's go to voicemails 2192 David P caller voicemail line: anytime gay and leave us your thoughts the take a listen me David there was a whole areas yet nauseating clip show the other day off...
>> Kate: Coming up on @Issue, is it a buyer's market or a seller's market? National headlines all over claim a housing market recovery, but what's happening...
bjbj Planning Services Transcript Short Video Transcript Timecode Pictures 00:00 00:03 Title Slate: Elmbridge Borough Council Planning Services 00:04 00:07 Slate: What does planning mean to you?...
arnold schwartzenegger is back in the spotlight in an interview with sixty minutes last night he talked about his new tell all book and yet there is a had daring his marriage with maria shriver on the...
Hi! Today I want to show you out to get started in email marketing with AWeber the first thing to do is to sign up for an AWeber account so we just click on sign up for just one dollar and that the...



>> My name's Corey Bregman. I'm from New York. I am just starting my first year of graduate school here in mathematics. I thought one thing that was really interesting...
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ELLEN: I was first interested in computers when computers became assessable in the workplace. When I started working we didn't have computers. And I found out I had a knack for it. MARLON:...