Great river management

Welcome to Cosumnes River Preserve (footsteps on boardwalk) (birds calling) The BLM manages natural areas for a variety of purposes. In the West, these places may be right next to where you live. Come...
It feels like you are in the middle of nowhere. It is such a unique ecosystem that you are in and you got 270km² that you share with tree vehicles, so can go anywhere you want, you can spend as much...
(DIDGERIDOO DRONES) MAN: The beaches of Eurobodalla reveal a series of secrets, learned over thousands of years by the Aboriginal people who have lived here. Well, what a museum piece here....
Just one day after the state auditor slammed President Lee Myung-bak's multi-billion dollar project to refurbish Korea's four major rivers,... related ministries shot back. Heo...
The hardest part of freshwater fishing in Florida... may be picking your destination. Cast your lines into three million acres of lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. Or try some of Florida's 12,000...
... our brand, you know, canals and rivers, there's 2,000 miles of them. They're very different to people locally. The Thames, which we don't actually look after, and the...
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Is your home losing its heating and air? And costing you in your monthly energy bills? Clarke & Rush encourages our customers to take a long-term approach to energy management while improving...



Sec. Duncan: Good afternoon. Children: Good afternoon. Sec. Duncan: I would like you to ask me to dance. We’re fighting the battle everyday to save our children’s lives and if we don’t educate, we...



(Music playing) Virginia has been a leader in emergency management for many, many years. I believe that in the last several years, our system has been truly put to the test. Virginia has had, in the...