We've looked at ways to make your product easy to disassemble so that it can be recycled and remanufactured. It turns out that making something easy to disassemble also makes it easier to...



The judge is about to declare a mistrial. Do you want to know the quickest way to get a mistrial in the state of New York in a medical malpractice case, in an accident case or in a wrongful death...



>> AMY: In the time that I've been a spokesperson for Athena, one of my sisters was diagnosed with cancer. [pause] It happens to almost every family I know [long pause] When I...
Prije pet ili šest tjedana Victoria je govorila grupi od šestotinjak ljudi u Klubu Rotary. Ona će nam danas održati isti govor. Tako ćete razumjeti kako je sve počelo i zašto sam nakon njega uzeo...



Signor Been. L'intervista è appana iniziata. Non la guarderò. Credo farebbe meglio a vederla. Grazie per essere qui con me questa sera Mrs Grant. Devo dire che. Che questa non è...



AMY: It's not short, it's not quick. It's a very long process, and what it is is when the homeowner is in a financial situation where they need to sell their home, but in order...
Hello I’m Amaia, from Spain Hi I’m Thomas Jud. I’m from Switzerland. Torquay is a really nice town, there are beaches, there’s a habour and there’s lots of boats to see, it’s great. My favourite to...
The Therapy Room Cambridge offers a wide choice of therapist and therapy, in order to provide as many options as possible for our clients and patients. For those who know who they would like to see,...
NARRATOR: Select 'Manage Users' to access the User Management section. This is how you reset passwords. To reset a staff member's password, select 'Manage My...



Kings College Cathedral by TravelPod member usc_97 Punts by TravelPod member usc_97 A Gateway by TravelPod member usc_97 Punter by TravelPod member usc_97 Sundial by TravelPod member usc_97 Amnesty...

