All right. Let's continue on in the slightly "midnight crypt" philosophy that we've got going on here. It's late at night. Anyway, let's keep going...
The World to Come. The Restored Church of God presents David C. Pack. Answering life’s greatest questions straight from the Bible, and announcing the wonderful good news of the World to Come. This...
Hi, Mr. Andy Wong Hi, Bill Nixon Reporter of Asia Media Weekly I've already ran a background check on you We'd like to do an interview and shoot some photos Sure, no problem People...
Episode 03: Slant rhymes Introduction The basis is a rhyming rap The rapper is a painter uses words to create images And linking them just rhymes. This poet of the flow. Maybe what I say now, will...
When— by giving full swing to this various and multiform natural disposition of his— he had collected every wicked and audacious man from every country, so also he retained the friendship of many...



Nor do I say this with the object of exciting odium against those men to whom it ought even to be a subject of boasting. They are discharging their duty! They are defending their friends, and they are...



You can use your sentence joining chart to help create compound and complex sentences. The coordinating conjunctions are best remembered with the acronym fanboys: FOR AND NOR BUT OR YET and SO. As we...
We return this morning to our expositional study of Paul’s epistle to the Romans. So if you will take your Bibles and turn to Romans chapter 14, we will be examining specifically this morning verses...
Hi there! Sersay here. Today I want to look at texting and its relationship to language. Hold that thought. (Starts texting) Ok So. Texting as we know it is a recent phenomenon and it really came...
[Narrator] 2 + 2, we're actually pretty sure this works out. There's no error for this one; it's going to evaluate to 4. Down here Mars=Earth + 1. There is actually going to be...