Players very widely disagree with me about what's hard and what's easy. and in a way, 'I won, but it was a fight' is the best compliment a game can receive.
By the new year of 1994, it had grown up into Inform 4 and could produce games twice as large.
Then in my early teens, when the home computer bubble was blowing, I had one of the first, an Acorn Atom, and used to write primitive adventures on that.
I don't really believe in 'directions' in art; the rope twists as you follow it, that's all.
At the end of April I archived 'Curses' and Inform, and announced them on the newsgroups.
A deliberate choice on my part was for the player to continue to find new possibilities in the early Attic rooms far into the game. I think this builds atmosphere, though it means there's no neat...
I try to make puzzles range all the way from easy to hard, and to leave many open at once.