Text. SMS. We all use it. But it's actually kind of a plain, boring task. How can you spice it up? I'm Cali Lewis. That's today on GeekBeat.TV. Texting is a part of life these...
Is graffiti vandalism or art? Graffiti art is like if someone gives the permission for you to do it, and the other one is if you don't get permission and you're just going along doing...
what if the future a baseball sound a little like this it's the bottom of the ninth no-gays game seven up the 2016 World Series the New York Yankees are tied with Pittsburgh Pirates 727 hey...
on fragmented style home we designing heart all all back close friends and more that's so cytologic at by their presidential and have provided the uh... working for what that this is the most...



Statue of Jon Sigurdsson by TravelPod member palkojul Ouside the Althingi by TravelPod member palkojul Outside Newer Part of Althingi Buidling by TravelPod member palkojul Chandelier Picture For Mom...
Heya playas, have you ever done something that you thought was fun but were labeled "immature" for doing it? How does one determine what is mature and immature? I mean is there a set...