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im baman im piderman i com over da house [both:] wer best friends [piderman:] one is for peabnut bubber two is for tuba three is for three is for... wher did three go? baman baman? baman. baman....
Good morning Hank; it’s Wednesday, May 18th, 2011, also known as Button Your Button Day. Hank, in the last 24 hours I finished the big revision of my novel and I also watched your poetic commencement...
Good morning, Hank. It's Friday, December 3rd. As you can possibly tell by the lamp shaped like a jellyfish, I'm not in my house. Instead, Hank, I'm in Miami with its beautiful...
*This is a parody video of HetaOni. *Some parts of Part 1 to 16 are exposed. *Most of all illustrations are drawn by me (the drawer). *Including blood, death, and nakedness. (sorry...) *Beginning the...
Good morning fathers, including my brother John. This Sunday is Father's Day. It's a cultural tradition to honor fathers, and I am going to give you all a Father's Day present:...
Hello~ So I was browsing through FaceBook and I was looking at the events that i was invited to and I came across one called 'The Accent Challenge' Basically you have to make a video...