Government by the people act

Rival party lawmakers went head-to-head again this Thursday,... this time over revisions to the nation's pension system that the government hopes to implement this year. Our National Assembly...
Hi I’m Doctor Diane Cleverley PhD, founder of PHI, and thanks for joining me today. What is is Obamacare? It’s officially known as the Affordable Care Act it has a lot of different provisions,...
WOMAN: Good morning, everyone. Today we're gonna have a look at award modernisation and the Equal Pay case. Today's program is funded by the Australian Government and is brought to you...
will our questions about nine eleven exposed the truth finally when you conspire to commit mass murder the only thing you have to worry about is that someone might ask questions the worst thing for...
JESSICA DESVARIEUX: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Jessica Desvarieux in Baltimore. Today marks the 78th anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act. In 1935, President...
Hello, You Will Get The Secret Technique for your success and achievements Get the Conscious Business Tool for your business career potential and action In My videos I will show you the same...
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They only know the language of hate and action of violence. They almost break down the glass door. If this is the type of supporters of Barisan Nasional, how can the people trust Barisan Nasional? If...
And we have to reject that totally and in principle. So this is quite a different program, and it puts the pressure back on the individual. Some people will say, "This won't work. We...
you can go to and you can help us that way I can't tell you how important this is and i have to also be candid there many pundits and others who are betting against the...