DAW AUNG SAN SUU KYI: I would like to say how happy I am to receive President Obama in my country and in my house. The friendship between our two countries is of long standing. The United States has...
A história de REDD: Uma real solução para o desmatamento? Florestas cobrem cerca de 30 por cento da superfície terrestre . Eles desempenham um papel vital no ciclo da água e abrigam a maior parte da...
president alvar not is being hammered by conservatives for the nineteen of possible executive orders related to gun control that he may issue conservative saying president obama is going crazy he is...
the naval hospital though he was being treated for depression many europe over thirteen thousand that his dad was it was right rewarded with the workings of a problem with the court and they whale...
a couple of questions a taking them and I think that that that the the advantage as you've gone through that says that process have you heard any new ideas of all anything that which as you...
" Water is splashing in the Diet's inner garden. " Upper House committee meeting at the moment the quake hit Warning to stay away from under the chandeliers " Watch...
michael hastings one of the top reporters in the country one uh... twenty ten polka ward for magazine reporting finals for the national magazine award it also in twenty ten of course had of the...