Hullo! Um, just before I get started, I want to say a wee bit of a sorry. Because um, I just noticed I have a YouTube inbox. So to all the people who've sent me lovely messages and I...
Products used are all Motives brand and can be purchased at Primer, Eye base,Cream Beige liquid mineral foundation Eyeshadows: Creme fresh, Cinnamon Spice, Latte,...
Do you have any suggestions how i could get into your ass? I certainly do. It's quite easy really. You collect a large bunch of the plants that grow here all over the place and in you go....
Get Ready With Me Hot Weather Makeup I really don't care that much about my hair on sometimes I will do it a lot of great up here hehehe so I just wanna do a quick get ready with me because it...
Hello~ put on circle lenses apply a white eyeliner on your waterline too make your eyes bigger apply it little under your waterline on the outer corner apply brown eyeliners apply a mascara put on...
Now, that is our Goth look. Like I said, there's all different ways that you can do the eyes and all different colors you can use on the lips, but this is the basic Goth look. This is kind of...
Alright, we are all done. I like to go over and just do a little powdering and finishing. I think that the blue is kind of fun on her cheeks, but I want to add just a little bit more color on top just...
Exif 0221 0100 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz u};_ $/3& N>#4 6h|' c[.; w^^V...
Alright, we're almost done with the makeup. I always like to go into an area called finishing and just checking over, making sure it's absolutely perfect. I'm going to come in...
Alright now we've put on a lip liner. We've just shaped her lips then we went on with a red lipstick. We went all around the outside with a black pencil. We pulled the black pencil...