Most people agree that I’m being reasonable, that most people agree I’m presenting a fair deal, the fact that they don't take it means that I should somehow do a Jedi mind-meld with these...
it's sis row paul ryan but it's not so much luck it's not so much about his proposals because it's not just uh... tour on the campaign is not hits the ronnie campaign...
joe biden is uh... in the south and he hasn't decided uh... in demo virginia he's entirely dishonor let's find out i like it by you to look at their budget with opposing really...
sis louisiana has passed a bill age being nine seven six it was signed into law as active number two which proposed a whole raft of uh... horrible school reforms but one of which was a voucher program...
Some motivational speakers fail, for simple reason that they just turn up late. They can be dressed inappropriately. There language may not be adequate. Their message may not be right. So what I do...
unbelievable so mark sanford over the the course of a like twenty four hours had a really bad go things maybe it was a little bit more than twenty four so tuesday night uh... the a_p_ reports that...
it's sis let's get a little madeira here uh... there was something like almost four hundred thousand people on skoda spla following uh... what the uh... skoda spla or writing in their...
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Hi, everybody, and Happy New Year. This is a time when we look ahead to all the possibilities and opportunities of the year to come -- when we resolve to better ourselves, and to better our...
let's talk about what's next let's talk about the republican response no right away we heard from eric cantor thing that they're he is going to bring up a vote to...