>> ROLAND: Welcome to the MAin Street MArketing Machines 2 Bonus. We're going to talk about how you can get a free ipad 2 and $12,600 in bonuses. You're going to also get...
Klean Kanteen Classic 27 oz with Sport Cap Hey everyone, Tony the Filter Doctor here. Today we’re looking at the Klean Kanteen 27 oz Classic with a sport cap. Now, this unit is also available with a...
Today we're going to talk about the RRP357 Sport Series intercom. This is based off our race proven platform, so it's a all encompassed two place intercom system. What this has total...
Hi, Wayne again from Headsets Direct. A quick video on why you need the Plantronics Backbeat Go wireless earbud headset So first off, why you need this headset, it's the first of...
ladies and gentlemen we have more shenanigans for you here at u agee sports now we are not covering the hottest not even the worst but be biggest sport sex scandals we start with steve garvey a...
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Athletes spend years intensively training in the gym, on the slopes and at the rink. But how much is a difference in performance all in the mind? Researchers have studied the effectiveness of motor...
Intermediate English listening from elllo.org Hello, this is me Shon and I'm from Uzbekistan. This video is for elllo.org and the question is what is your favorite sport you like to play? Well...

