IN THE LIFE is funded in part by by the H. van Ameringen Foundation, Arcus Foundation, The Estate of Richard W. Weiland, Dewey & LeBoeuf, and by the annual support of IN THE LIFE members like...
Matt Bomer's White Collar-inspired fashion line debuts on Gilt! The hunky White Collar star teamed up with Alton Lane and online retailer to create the appropriately-named Caffrey...
"Equal rights' is something our country prides itself on. Women can vote, we should be able to walk outside without being shot. Well, that's all fine and dandy. But what about...
Good morning and welcome to our Nation’s Capitol and I’m sorry I can’t be with you today but I’m absolutely thrilled the Capitol Pride Week is being kicked off with such an important and historic...
Thank you for your interest in the 2010 Census. Taking ten minutes to complete the form is important. The Census must count every person living in the United States on April 1, 2010, including all...
Matt Bomer reveals his secret workout motivation. The White Collar leading man caught up with the International Business Times and revealed that his role in Magic Mike is what helped launched him into...
As a national spokesperson for the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education network, known as GLSEN, I fight on behalf of all students who are victimized by systemic bullying. This is unacceptable. School...



Well, it all started on a napkin, actually. Steven and I were sitting in the dining hall, scribbling ideas for how to mobilize youth like us. There's a lot of energy out there, but we just...
bjbj ~n; [Music: "Welcome to Wherever You Are" by Bon Jovi] When everybody's in, and you're left out And you feel you're drowning in a shadow of a doubt...

