hey so I got asked to do the tumblr accent challenge. let's do this allison. totaldiva Nebraska which is in america pronounce the following words aunt roof route theatre iron salmon caramel...



Bom Galera, Hoje eu vou ensinar a vocês A como criar Gifs para o Tumblr Primeiramente você irá ter que baixar 2 Programas O E irá ter que baixar o Os links do Downloads dos dois programas na...



Acá eligen la parte del video en la cual quieren hacer el gif Para elegir esa parte, tienen que mantener apretado la tecla SHIFT y apretar PLAY. Como la imagen es muy grande, voy a achicarla. Para...
Hey, day 6. Today I’m going to teach you how to make a successful post on tumblr If you don’t know what tumblr is: run, run and never ever get involved. For us, who have already fallen in this well,...



So we're going to make a gif today. The first thing you have to do is find an HD file. So you download the best quality. I have mine here, it's like the highest quality (1080p). You go...
Hello youtube and facebook and interpals I am doing the tumblr challenge which is like an accent challenge from wherever you are from so this will be kind of fun i guess. I say umm a lot this is...



My name is Hugo Germain, I'm 19 and I'm an engineer student. I create very short animated GIF videos, and then insert 3D objects. I use abstract forms or surrealist concepts which I...
Aquí las palabras que te pongan separadas, tú ponlas juntas o no entra! :) Aquí seleccionas lo que tú quieras xD es sólo un ejemplo lo que yo seleccioné! Vas a tu correo y confirmas lo que te pide...
this is our first youtube channel together and our first video it's going to be an accent challenge because everyone does it oh by the way, we're from Bradford! yeah we're from...
Hey guys, Here is a special bonus clip for ya. While we are over here at Paula's grandmothers house I decided to get her to do the accent tag. I had a lot of fun doing it last night, you guys...