I've been all sorts of different shapes and sizes at different times in my life.
Obviously Victoria and Mel B have become mothers and there is a part of me that wants to be a mum.
I'm done with trying to be perfect. A perfect body belongs to somebody else - and it's not me.
I was so afraid of upsetting people, and not being liked for saying something that was not to everyone's taste.
I'm much more accepting of myself. A lot of my body issues have naturally settled down.
I have a history of eating disorders but, as a mother, you think of being an example to your child. I'm so much more balanced than I was.
Being a celebrity, you can remain a child for ever, almost. You get away with more; you can get too pampered and it's not healthy.
I know that I've overfed myself trying to prop myself up because I'm exhausted.
The sun is going down on me As the surrenders to the sea So steal the night and fly on me I'm calling, I'm calling... C'était autrefois et ailleurs Une éternité dans nos coeurs A présent trop loin de...