Georgina chapman

What an amazing opportunity to do something like direct a movie and step out of your creative comfort zone and yet do something that is also so familiar at the same time. I was also just excited to...
It's funny, because I sometimes feel that I'm most creative when I'm pregnant.
My mother says I'm like a disease that can walk into a room and get it infected. I can destroy things in seconds.
One of my most sentimental items is my grandmother's engagement ring that my mom gave me a few years ago. It's a Victorian-style setting that's closed in the back, so it doesn't sparkle the way...
I make sure I carve out time to be with my daughter.
I'm actually an incredibly disorganized, messy person.
I'm an enormous fan of Ron Howard. I mean, he's the most extraordinary director.
I love imagining being someone else in another time.