When you need to find a reliable transcription service, it can quickly become a mine field. Do you need to produce your documents in human voice, synthetic audio, Braille, large print, or different...
I've decided to keep my enemies close. I don't care if they are watching this place it just makes it easier whenever I want to lose them. Except when I do the jobs Shit. Ah well...
This morning there was,Something strange next to me, It was not of this world, And had feathers that were green, He started to talk, Then he wouldn't shut up, He said his name was Jarred, A...
Hi, I’m Ashley Gulla and this is Giorgiana Lascu. Hi. We’re the leads in what could be a great series, but we need your help to make it a reality. So we’re here to tell you this awesome story that’s...
Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to this meeting of the NATO-Georgia Commission. The timing is particularly important, so soon after the inauguration of the new president of...
Hello everybody, So I hope you had a nice Christmas and a really nice Christmas time whatever you were doing. I hope you really enjoyed it. Today I'm going to do what I got for Christmas, so a...
It is often said that the young are our nation's tomorrow but the young are South Sudan's present building for its future. With over 70 percent South Sudan's population below...
Hello and welcome to another product overview with BestBullySticks.com. Today, we're going to be talking about a product that's been around for years and is a perpetual dog favorite;...
Hi this is Frosting Fran. Grab your pearls and pull up a chair and bring your appetite and your dog and take a look at what you can do if you want to learn how to make homemade dog treats we can show...
Hello, and welcome to the first Lemon Likes! If you've landed on this video and you don't know what the heck this is, check out this video right here and it will explain my intentions...