Mr. Speaker, Mr. President Pro Tempore, members of Congress, and fellow Americans: In the normal course of events, presidents come to this chamber to report on the state of the Union. Tonight, no such...
it's ts sham from pennsylvania welcome to the program jim l are upset uh... but sad i think they're wild yeah it happened d'addario aloha allographs armed regarding v it...
rick perry as you know has been republican governor of texas for quite some time he announced that he is not going to be running for reelection let's take a look at the video of him now remain...
Quell'intelligente giovane uomo che recentemente si è insediato alla Casa Bianca è indubbiamente un abile ipnotizzatore in parte, poichè è in effetti davvero straordinario poter vedere un...
george w_ bush is gradually becoming a non person the wall street journal journal editorial page had a uh... aside story about it was basically pleading president obama not to raise taxes and in doing...
new polls out on whether president obama is worse than president bush in terms of what will turn out for our civil liberties laureate men decided but first upholds on drawing overall now people are...
uh... ok mit romney twenty-seven lies or you can call the main i think progress is calling the midst and thirty-eight minutes okay this is everything from i don't have a five trillion dollar...
that David is going to war did he invite gave that interview and he is calling everyone in eighty eight and ironic it's really cool I decided I think bill kristol the day and what he's...
probablemente me peguen un tiro..asi que disfruten mientras puedan.. estoy muy enfadada y frustrada con los americanos.. muchos votaron por Bush solo para asegurarse de que los gays no se pudieran...