“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and looked...
Korea is seeking to list records about the so-called "comfort women" on the UNESCO Memory of the World Registrar. The term "comfort women" refers to the women and...
Male Speaker: Thank you for joining our fourth annual workspace session on the gender gap, gender parity. I'd like to get some sense so that the folks at the forum can know where to go next....
My name is Elena Rusetskaya, and I’m a leader of the Women’s Information Center in Georgia. Since 2002 our organization has been working to promote UN Resolution 1325. Our country has experienced a...
Welcome once again to NPTEL, the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning. I shall be winding this module with 2 lectures devoted to the key concept - gender. Gender as you know, is a...
Planning your upcoming speaking schedule? Shake things up this year. Consider an option that gets away from the ordinary. Deep Stealth Productions. Since its founding in Hollywood in 2003, Deep...
Feminine, masculine, intersex part I OK, so, what comes to your mind when thinking about sex? I am strictly reffering to definitions. What is sex all about? I bet that your mind goes straight to...



you saw the law as the tool of the oppressor you might want to tell people some of the events that happened to you that lead you to that conclusion yeah i don't think every lawyer is a tool of...
the fertility worlds dirty little secret parents selected the sex of their embryos without any medical justification to fears of many ecosave stereotyping hurts children the implication genetic...
Well friends and now this is our module 12, the last module of this course and lecture 38. These three lectures of module 12 will be devoted to Emerging Issues in Sociology of Population. The purpose...