Okay, Taurus and Pisces normally make a really good, solid couple — they share a strong emotional connection, they really know how to romance each other, their sexual chemistry runs very strong and...
I'm Greg Lyzenga and I'm here at Lucerne Dry Lake for the National Association of Rocketry's National Sport Launch. Announcer: ...two...one. All right, it spins up....
Gemini and Leo are two signs apart in the Zodiac, which means they're Sextile — and that's usually a good match for a love affair, whether short-term or long-term. These two signs are...
These two find each other fascinating to begin with. Aquarius is an air sign and therefore is a mental sign. Air stands for communication and of thinking processes, of learning, of exploration and of...
Sagittarius and Capricorn are attracted to each other, but briefly. The reason is that each of them is so different. Sagittarius is a fire sign filled with the fire of trying to find out more about...