Hi, my name is Dr. Kim Makoi. I'm a holistic chiropractor from San Francisco, and this is how to do a gelatin juice fast. Basically, you start with one tablespoon of powdered gelatin, and you...
Lizzie: 75! 75 videos! Not including my unnamed Q&As. That's a lot of videos! To those of you seeing me for the first time, hello! And to those of you who've stuck with me from...
Lizzie: So today is one of those days when I wonder to myself how the heck did I get here? Like literally right here in this crazy expensive house, marble counter-tops, Egyptian cotton sheets. Is that...
Lizzie: Do you ever get that blindsided feeling? You know, when you go to a fancy dinner as prepared as you can be and then get figuratively smacked by a semi truck? And it's not that...
Lizzie: Sorry. I'm kind of a mess. It's been an active weekend. When Lydia does her birthday, she does it extensively. My name is Lizzie Bennet and I have been celebrating for four...
Lizzie: So, Dr. Gardiner is in the city for a few days and I need to go meet her for dinner soon. Seeing as this is a new city and the only person I know is her, it made me realize that I...
Lizzie: Hi, everyone. Today is a rather auspicious day in the Bennet household. Today is the day my father actually puts down his paper and breaks out the train set. This is no ordinary single loop...
Lizzie: Wait for it... Charlotte: Oh. My God. Lizzie: I know. Charlotte: Darcy just-- Lizzie: I know. Charlotte: And then you-- Lizzie: I know. Charlotte: Oh my God. My name is Lizzie Bennet, and as...
Lizzie: Jane, I know you haven't been watching my videos recently because you're busy and because you believe in actually living your life and not just talking about living your life...