Gbm glioblastoma research

>> Thank you for the introduction and thanks for having me today. To present our work at the CBIIT Speaker Series. I'll be talking about some of the work that we've been...
Roel Verhaak: All right. Thank you, Chuck. I'd like to thank the organizers for allowing me the opportunity to speak here today, and I want to specifically mention to Kenna that I did just...
1. Hello my name is oh, nuri. . I’m doing a Ph degree in biomaterial engineering laboratory of bio and brain engineering department. Today, I’d like to introduce more in detail based on last lecture...
Why use a virus to cure Cancer? Well the reason is simple: we can design a virus which is completely disabled so it cannot infect normal human cells, but can only divide inside cancer cells. Now these...
Duke is one of the largest providers of cancer care in the country. What's so important about this is that we have experience and expertise in every cancer type. What does it mean to be...
From the biopsy, unfortunately, it showed up to be cancer, and grade 4 cancer at that, which is the worst. I remember that moment, they took me into that little room with Karen. And the doctor said,...
>> George Komatsoulis: Thank you for joining us today for the NCI CBIIT Speaker Series. I'm George Komatsoulis, Interim Director here at the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics...
>> Well cancer stem cells represent a whole new paradigm change in how we think about cancer. Historically we thought about cancer as each cancer cell has the potential of making two...
>> Timothy Ley, M.D.: For most patients with AML, we don't yet know what the genetic cause is. There's a small subset of patients that we do understand, but for the, the...
FINE: The mission of the neuro-oncology branch is really severalfold. First and foremost, it's to ensure that every patient with a brain tumor receives optimal standard of care, and we achieve...