David Pakman: John Becker's back on the show. He's Communications Director for Truth Wins Out, the website's www.TruthWinsOut.org. Now, John, last time you were on the show,...
incredible story of a election fraud here in massachusetts literally right down the road from us at least longmeadow there's an a former east longmeadow select unnamed enrico bela may know who...
alright congresswoman marcia louvers gay son has been outed by louvers campaign manager of course luper uh... eh uh... is a republican i don't think we have tell you that otherwise of why...
political as a fascinating new article up it's called the rich strike back damn apparently they do the talk about how Bill de Blasio nose with warren we're getting a lot of hype in...
scott brown who's running here in our home state of massachusetts for reelection against elizabeth warren who is challenging him for that see is outrage that people who might not vote for him...
also anti gay activists are now using child molestation too full people into signing a petition against the california algae bt history that bill this is incredible this i have some video shot in...
sackville represents the fatal cancer to the republican party when i first started journals and i work for the national review for bill buckley about the things i said he'd rather be will but...
heartwarming story about a republican operative named catherine leaning written up uh... where was this story i don't know i think maybe it was in uh... washington post in new york times will...
public support for same-sex marriage continues to grow we've covered extensively as it does the gap between young and old is becoming more and more striking specifically listen to this within...
you all remember that a m had where where too with well-written carry where it barry came out and uh... talked about how he was not ashamed to admit it is a christian and also haiti gay people and...