Thirty seven kinds of coffee Thirty seconds to decide As the line backs up behind me Say, "I'll take number nine." Things have gotten complicated There's confusion in your eyes So I called...
In the dark heart of my journey On the dark night of my soul I felt an old familiar yearning For what I did not know You see I had to have my freedom So I hit the open road What I thought I needed I...
I'm a fool You're a liar I'm a dry stick of wood You are a fire I thought it through Baby I thought it over Only thing I got to do now Is tell you it's over But you reach out your hand And you pull on...
The ties that bind unravelled on an August night She left his tired love behind, in a laundromat, in black and white The powers that be decided it was time to let him go So he went rolling like a...
Raised on words like "punishment" and "God will get you If you don't do what you're told." Nuns turned children into fearful right handed little Servants of the Lord And then the...
Treetops spinning at the outskirts of my vision In the back yard of a stranger on the edges of my mind I lay broken with my belly up to heaven, I guess Drinking hard for seven days can turn your blue...
I been down I been around I been lost And I been found I been dumb I been numb I been blind But the miracles still come There's always a reason Sometimes invisible Always a reason, but sometimes You...
The crescent moon sits waxing in the clear, blue sky tonight Joanna sits relaxing down by the riverside The cigarette she's smoking, a symbol of her sin The words they still ain't spoken just a'...
Snow on the railroad tracks Dogs in the moonlight Stoned out on Kerouac Tryin' to get it just right A phone in a dim lit room Rings out forever In a time that was still too soon But why should he...
Born with blue eyes filled with pain In March of 1922 Mystic fire in your veins Mama's apron strangling you Mama's apron strangling you Mama's apron strangling... Young Jack Kerouac running up and...