UxhkRPW2O-w We're in the midst of an extreme vanity makeover. Let me show you what I mean. They say an eco-friendly house can't be built in...
Christmas is a time of year for decking the halls and creating a warm welcome for your family and friends. I'm going to share with you my secrets on how to make a wreath that is stylish and...
Hi everyone, it's Christophe Choo from Beverly Hills, the day after Thanksgiving, and I was walking on my [xx] lunch with my wife and I thought I've never done a video of the Beverly...
So as you finish up harvesting anything in your garden, whether it’s green beans, carrots or cantaloupe, and those spaces become available, now is the perfect time to think, “How can I add organic...
Hi. My name is Kirsten Segler from The Greenery and we want to do another segment on outdoor tropical. So there are a few more varieties that we were able to grow this year that we simply want to...
We got doors that just arrived and they're going in. They say an eco-friendly house can't be built in 150 days for $150,000 and I say it can. I'm Allen Smith, join me as I push...
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Hi. I am Shawna Coronado with the Chicago Flower and Garden Show 2010 to give you a great tip. It is all about using less grass and finding alternatives that are more drought-tolerant. And right now,...
Hey, I gotta bunch of plants coming in. We gotta get some water out here. It's time to lay some pipe. They say an eco-friendly house can't be built in 150 days for $150,000, and I say...