Física Professor: Alfredo Sotto Equilíbrio - Ponto Material, Corpo Extenso e Torque Nesse módulo falaremos sobre o equilíbrio.O Enem vai se preocupar apenas com o equilíbrio estático(corpos parados)....
Física Instrumentos óticos 1 - revisão Professor:Marco Fisbhen A aula de hoje é sobre instrumento óticos, é legal que você já saiba lentes, traçar os raios e achar a imagem.Se não souber é bom...
Física Alfredo Sotto Ótica Geométrica: Princípios Básicos Na aula de hoje vamos olhar a ótica geométrica.Vamos ver os instrumentos que utilizam a propagação retilínea da luz. A ótica geométrica vai...
How does matter behave? Does it follow organized rules or is its behaviour just chaotic? Matter is everything that we can grasp and touch, the things we hold on to, grab, hang off and get hooked on;...
Física- Eletrodinâmica Professor:Marco Fisbhen Os conceitos mais básicos de eletrodinâmica são corrente elétrica, resistência elétrica e potência misturada com energia elétrica.Para entrar em...



Today, I'll show you a tornado fire! You saw that I did this rotating structure and with a little burlap and a little alcohol I'll make a little hurricane. Prior to do this experiment,...
I almost couldn't get here. Sorry but I was talking to Yoli. Yeah yeah talking. Yes talking 'cause she's... Listen I am going to lose my trip. And I have the taxi waiting for...



Well tell it to Yoli that No No 'cause he loses the control so No, No, No. What's up with Paula, since she's pregnat there's no one to resist that character. What? How...



I know... why you have been out all this time Clara din't tell me anything, really, that's because I wanted to talk to her first. yeah, and you think all school should know it,...



You're gonna tell me I am crazy. Well I just went to the bathroom... Gorka, please, we already know each other. Guys, Tickects. Some one knows who gets the tickects? Smell the breath and tell...