ID3 TXXX duration 204 TXXX starttime 0 TXXX totalduration 204 TXXX width 640 TXXX height 480 TXXX videodatarate 338 TXXX audiodatarate 129 TXXX totaldatarate 475 TXXX framerate 30 TXXX bytelength...
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For more than 130 years, lawyers have relied on the AV® Preeminent™ rating while searching for their own expert attorneys. Now you too can look this important, trusted rating when choosing an...



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Man Carlos! How are you? Well, how about you? Here, working hard. You know me, I don't stop. Precisely why I wanted to talk to Sam. Of work. It turns out that on Monday I have a home visit,...



Copy right 3461 & EBM ITHAN PORUL ANBU Its my birthday... Please wish me, since am away from my parents Take a chocolate, Brother.. Brother?!.. you've always called me by my name....



We are young architects that met at university. We have a passion for community projects, especially supporting people that can’t afford designers. Usually designers are employed by clients with...



1.2 Patuxai - the Laos Arc de Triomphe by TravelPod member lyse_e 1.3 Bear in Laos by TravelPod member lyse_e 1.4 This is funny - at least they are honest! by TravelPod member lyse_e 1.5 Laos Champs...