the SSR SR-70C was tested at Village Creek motocross track so you can see exactly what this bike is made up the SR-70C is very similar to the coaster 70 an SSR 70 but the C model has a few upgrades at...
I feel like I should have a song... I feel like I should be singing something right now but the only thing that's coming to my head is "My Sharona" and that's not...
The Enclave is a resort concept offering spacious private suites and a single price for your family, from 4 to 6 people. Start your day with a Continental Breakfast, local newspaper, a brisk swim in...
Hey there minions! So if you're not in school, or for some other reason, you may not know it's the summer holidays...yay! Sorry I don't seem normal as I know most people are...
I'm stylist Cristina Urlich here to talk you about some of the most important must-haves for fall. It's all about pulling out those jeans and trying to find the best one for you. Over...
>> Matt Davis[79mattdavis]: There is no narration for this video. >> Matt Davis[79mattdavis]: There is no narration for this video. >> Matt...
Please stay tuned for a free money savings offer at the end of this video. Winter comes and it's 10 below The clouds move in and it starts to snow Before you know it, snow is all about And...
Hi. My name's Sam and today I'm going to show you how you can extend your network using a Powerline wireless adapter. This is an ideal solution if you have multiple wireless devices in...
happy two snakes the three little pigs box castle table tennis tennis racket dice airport sword and shield angry fruits teepee toothbrush oven gloves tea tea pot cup money cheerful bicycle wheel white...
Hi, I'm Nick with Palmetto Fire. I'm going to go over a couple of things to check during your weekly inspections on this fire trucks here. One thing that is forgot about and not...