That word that I can't Tell you any more, I love you On your back, rather than bye Yet again, quietly I love you Don't turn back You can just go If he can make You smile I love you.. I...
The government is going to call off all garbage runs. We are being driven out of this place. This is not fair to the people who live here. If the epidemic is really prevailing in this area... they...
A Plagiarism Carol - This paper has to be turned in on the 29th. - Ok, I’ll start right away. - I really have to write that paper. - But it’s not due for a long time. 'Logic and artificial...
Hi this is David from The Big Easy Catering Company in Santa Barbara California for We are putting together a chocolate fountain today. So now we have melted the chocolate put into...
♪♪(music playing)♪♪ Kori Schulman: If there are any of those that look interesting to you we can start answering them. President Obama: Let me just start with Phillip there. ♪♪(music playing)♪♪ Oh,...
So in this video today we are going to identify some bad caps and replace them on this Samsung Power Supply. So when we are going to replace components on a power supply you need to make sure the...
>>JOHN ROSENGRANT: Uh-oh, wait a minute. >>STAN LEE: Uh oh. Wait. My friend! Go get him! Go get him! Hi there. >>GIANT ROBOT: Hi, Stan. >>STAN...
They are coming, someone has to stop them This is going to be Legendary I don't want to be a third wheel I am the only one who can stop them Look boys, a snail, I'll put it into the...
Stereo preamp with 3-band EQ and simple power Howdy friends! Introducing the sound test of a stereo preamp with 3-band EQ and simple power power supply. The big advantage is that as you can see only...

