Katadyn 8013629 Hiker Hey everyone, Aquaman here with FilterDoctor.com. Today we’re looking at the Katadyn 8013629. This is the Hiker, an easy to use filter pump designed specifically for outdoorsy...



This is Dr. Sircus speaking to my fellow doctors, colleagues, doctors from all different types, allopath, homeopaths This is Dr. Sircus speaking to my fellow doctors, colleagues, doctors from all...
אין קאָנגרעס, 4 יולי 1776. די יונאַנאַמאַס דעקלאַראַטיאָן פון די דרייַצן פאַרייניקטע שטאַטן פון אַמעריקע, ווען אין משך פון מענטשלעך געשעענישן, עס ווערט נייטיק פֿאַר איין מענטשן צו צעלאָזן די...
-Same make. -These were taken by a video surveillance camera at the West Highland Police Station, in 1984. -Same model. -These were taken at a mall. Today. -You have to let me see my son, he's...
Watersafe Drinking Water Test Kit Hey everyone, Tony the Filter Doctor here. Today we’re looking at the Watersafe Drinking Water Test Kit. Do you have a water cooler in your office, factory or...
We all need a little extra care occasionally. Here at Northumbrian Water we are pleased to offer a number of free services to our customers who might need them from time to time. If you have health or...
Hey! Come here! Look what I found! Where did you find it? Behind the trash bin. You want to try one? I don't. You know smoking gives you cancer. Besides, cigarettes give you yellow teeth and...
Alright, we've brought our positive and negative wires from the charge controller and they're going through a new fuse and they're going to go down to the battery....



[MUSIC PLAYING] My name is Ralph Trueb. I am a professor of dermatology at University of Zurich. I did my medical studies in Switzerland. I'm a board certified dermatologist and board...
PAUL JAY: Welcome back to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in New York City. And joining us again is Jeff Madrick. He's the author of Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the...