Hi! Welcome to earthslivingclay.com's YouTube channel. Today I wanted to show you a fruit and veggie wash that I make at home for my own fruits and vegetables. You can buy those in the store...
[no dialogue]. Hi, my name is Sarah Smith, and I'm a graduate student at Eastern Illinois University getting my Master's in dietetics. I'm going to be talking to you today...
"How to Reach the Antioxidant RDA" To get up to our daily minimum of 8-11,000 antioxidant units a day, all we have to do is eat lots of fruits and vegetables, right? Well,...
Other spaces that I'm utilizing for food storage are this basket that I, that we added, hanging from the ceiling. And I keep, I keep potatoes and sweet potatoes and squash and vegetables that...
We’re going to do two different types of pickles; we’re going to do whole pickles and we’re going to do sliced pickles. So, you want to get rid of the ends of the cucumbers because those are usually...
Hi I’m Candace, and I’m Jacqueline. Welcome to Aisle by Aisel [Jaqueline] We are taking a trip to the grocery store to share a few tips we’ve learned about making healthier food and drink choices....
For preserving fruit, one of my favorite ways is to have a fruit and syrup. That preserves the look of the fruit and its nature and color and its shape, sometimes way better than a jelly or a...
Main tools for canning. The main tools for canning are obviously, the canning jars. And this is a good kind of canning jar which has a seal on the inside which is then screwed in. Good quality canning...
Stop throwing away seeds. You're missing out on one of the most beautiful meditations in Ayurveda, a meditation on the force of life. [SOUND] I'm Kailas, teacher and commentator on...
Juice is a good thing for people, especially people that may not eat vegetables or fruit. Be careful of fruit juice because it is a concentrated sugar source so you want to be careful of the...