- Who is this? - Another Olivia Dunham. Previously on Fringe... They've done experiments on me. Agent Dunham escaped from Liberty Island. Olivia is in trouble. I'm not sitting here. Hey, Liv! Thank...
Previously on Fringe... You are looking through a window into another world. An alternate universe, just like ours, and in each of them there is a version of us. I can't let Peter die again. Walter,...
Previously on Fringe... you are looking through a window into another world. An alternate universe just like ours. And in each of them, there is a version of us. I can't let Peter die again. I can...
Previously on Fringe... I've been seeing him in my dreams for the past three weeks. A shared vision like this-- he must be real. [Gasping] Father and son just pulled a man from the middle of Reiden...
(Announcer) Previously on Fringe... In the dreams that you were having, the ones that I'm in, did you feel like you knew me? You're a stranger. What would I feel? Clearly, I'm in the wrong place, and...



G.S.W., left-upper quadrant, possible hemothorax. BP is dropping 80 over 50. Pulse 120. - Breath sounds? - Decreased on the left side, labored but stable. Get me a chest scan. Doctor... there's...
For those of you just joining us, What you're looking at is the work of Z.F.T., A terrorist organization responsible for at least a half a dozen biological attacks over the last several months....
[TV host muttering] The body was found here by Pierre Seven. Police are canvassing the area. No witnesses have come forward at this time. And authorities are baffled by what appears to be one of the...
# I heard the Earth was calling # # far, far away # # So Nellie the elephant packed her trunk # # and said good-bye to the circus # # Off she went with a trumpetey-trump # # Trump, trump, trump # #...
"And the bear came across a fox, and the fox said: 'Bear, bear, stop right there. There's a monster up ahead."' - Okay, bedtime. - No, no. This is the last book. Oh, I thought that the last...