Another Loving Hut launched in Formosa (Taiwan). With the eco-friendly vegan trend blossoming throughout Formosa, Taipei city recently welcomed Loving Hut MiKai with colorful balloons, flower baskets,...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww13820\viewh15660\viewkind0...
I'm a pretty private person. I, you know, I don't like a lot of people in my business. So I'm fairly discreet. And I'm staying out of the business, most of the time....
Welcome back to school kiddos and to another episode of Terrier Tech. I'm here with Mike from the BUPRSSA which is like the PR group on campus. Yup. It's the Public Relations Student...
COOKIE MONSTER: Hi. Want to play fun game? Me getting ready to draw picture, and you have to guess what me going to draw. Yeah. [SINGING] Me going to draw something me love, something round, something...
Transcript eng We stood in a heart drawn in the sand Wedding day 8/5/12 sullivan’s island First gift as husband and wife The rose says I love you Ernie, you may kiss your bride Wilma was present and...
Cooper is about 3 years old, VERY friendly with all people, including children. He is obedient, quite a chilled dog, and loves cuddles. Currently attending obediance/training classes. He is not great...
I'm not really a sweets person. I am. Yeah, they're kind of not that appealing to me. I'm more of a savory person. I think that's...I wish I was like you. I was a fat...
[MUSIC PLAYING] -Show some love! -Happy holidays. How you doing sir? -How you doing? -I'm doing. Happy holidays, sir. -Hey! -Happy holidays. -Why's that? -Just spreading the love, you...