Hey guys, Matt here with fox Airsoft, and I wanted to invite everyone to our summer kick-off barbecue., we're doing May eighteenth down in our store in Parker. Guys it's going to be a...



La mayoría de las personas ha perdido contacto con la realidad y la naturaleza que no tienen idea de lo que son las cosas cuando las ven en su estado natural Para confirmar mi punto tomemos algunos...
Hey Guys, Matt here with Fox, and I wanted to let you know about the Fox Airsoft After Action Review, or AAR. So, at Fox Airsoft, every fourth Saturday of the month, we have an AAR. You might be...
[stomach grumbles] Tanner: Really, Kevin? Maybe you're a little... hungry? Kevin: A little. Tanner: Wanna go get some lunch? Kevin: I can't. Tanner: Why? Kevin: I'm broke....



Nkolokoti primary school is located a few kilometers north of Malawi's capital, Blantyre. Nearly all of these pupils have big smiles. One reason is porridge. In Malawi, one in nine children...
En otras palabras todo cae en la categoría de los alimentos libres donde no tienes que pagar por el Solo le das un poco de tiempo y amor Piensen que la comida silvestres es realmente maravillosa Y es...
Que tal si tus alimentos y tu medicina fuesen gratuitos? Y que tal si fuesen los alimentos y medicinas más saludables del planeta? Que tal si se pudiera regenerar para que nunca se te acabara? Y que...
Music playing - Montage of events at Rocky After Dark: First Night Rocky After Dark There's 2000 students that they don't know yet. Come out, meet everybody, just try to mingle....
Flores comestibles El año pasado Jennifer plantó algunas flores primavera aquí Y literalmente se esparcieron como malezas, literalmente acapararon todo el área Y son bellas a la vista, son grandiosas...
This week, Don Burgundy has a rematch with a horse, Sonja and I make a delightful Oscars treat, a customer buys his dream car, a special shout out to the Districts basketball, Katie's wow...