I'm really sad to say that in some ways I think the world has become a little harder and has become faster. The changes in the world, like all challenges, have forced us to become more...
Ah, thankfully novelist was my number one, took a while though. Again, I worked for a couple decades nearly, and at some point it really wasn't my goal to become a novelist anymore. I loved my...
What's one interview question you ask every prospective employee? I did employ quite a lot of people in my life in various positions. And at the moment, at this point in time that I have my...
We're already seeing now that people in companies who try to specialize too much into one job description are limiting themselves ultimately. So, the more you can learn, the easier it is for...
TED-Ed team here. As you know, we usually post animated educator lessons, but today we wanted to try something a little different, and we need your help to figure out next steps. We've...
When Tenrehte was first getting off the ground, we entered our prototype PICOwatt into a competition associated with CES, Consumer Electronics Show, the world's biggest industry trade show....
This is, actually, I think the way things are going to be. I didn't find, I created. I created the job I currently have, and I think that's going to happen a lot in the future, too. As...
If I could meet me when I was 16, I think the first thing that I would say is that it is so tempting to do something for somebody to get them to like you. Don't. Really be mindful that you are...
It is, technology and all that stuff, is really important, but those can be learned. I think emotional intelligence is the key differentiator in the market, and I think that's true now, and I...
I would talk about a younger generation that's coming up that will build a community that's not based around nation states and based around limiting and creating divides between...