For serving to those i love

So, early on when I, in my principalship we did apply for the National Blue Ribbon Award. It wasn't so much a reflection of what I had done. It was a reflection of the school. One of 250...
service in its simplest form is one person meeting the needs or serving the needs of someone else I brought an example, a letter I received last week it says dear Pastor Scott I've got to tell...
(Sara) Art gave me a release, because I was so nervous as a child. I think it gave me a release where I could do things that I was actually good at. I usually start with going out to the rhubarb patch...
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Hi I’m Lester with Ice & Refrigeration Systems, and today we’re going to be talking about different types of ice and ice makers. There are two basic different types of ice makers, and they...
One of the ways that faculty can practice Mentoring on the Run is through assignments, or in other words, incorporating mentoring into teaching. So I give a writing assignment on having the students...
Thing is, there really is no such thing as a FREE education. Nothing worthwhile is easy or free. It requires work. I mean isn't purchasing a book equal in value to a mentor?!? A mentor may...
Hi I'm Kimberly Elias and I'm the Student Life Coordinator of campus involvement and I largely focus on getting students involved and the co-curricular record Right from elementary...
NARRATOR: The name "Perkins" carved in stone. Below a gothic tower, a boy navigates with a cane. Distance mentorship is the idea that you're building a relationship, that...
Hello Lions, Shonda Gibson here. I'm the executive director of global learning for the campus and the QEP director. When asked to present a leadership tip, my immediate thoughts went to one of...