PROFESSOR CIMA: All right. So what are they like on the microscopic, the chemical, scale? And as you know, they look kind of like this. So here on the left is sort of our 2D glass, this with a glass...
When should you bring your glasses into the optician for a professional to fix? I'm always in favor of preventative care with anything and that really includes glasses. Anytime you're...
Sample of the various types of wine glasses that are available. This first one with the larger bowl is designed for red wines, particularly larger-bodied reds like Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah. The one...
Narrator: Ever been to a puppet show? Well in this case, the characters and many of the things on this stage are made of glass. Bill: “In the mechanical glass theatre, the figures, many of the...
Philosophy - Concept Timeless glasses Refined lines that never go out of style, 100% French quality that holds up over the years, a few lightweight grams that are easily forgotten... The spirit of...
Now we’re going to talk about ladies who have a very dark complexion and a very dark hair color. General rule of thumb is that you don’t want your glasses to look very stark on you, so I would advise...
We’re going to talk to you a little bit about the style or the evolution, ever evolving fashion industry when it comes to optics. Well maybe what’s in style today may not be in style tomorrow, so it...
The next shape face that we are going to talk about concerning when purchasing frames is going to be the oval face. Ladies, you’re very, very fortunate if you have the, have an oval face, you’re...
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Types of Beer Part 4 with 30 years experience who teaches how to make great tasting beer at home he helps beginners who don't know anything as well as improve upon the skills and experience...