Canadian Heritage Patrimoine canadien Logo It is day, outdoors in winter, sunny blue skies. View from the bottom of cement steps as four children, dressed in snowsuits, run down the steps towards the...
[J] You're cute, so sweet [J] these are the words I always mumble at my lips [J] whenever you turn your back to me and walk far away [K] I wonder if your heart hurts like me [J&K]...
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My name is Aston Tully and I'm 17 years old and I've been given the opportunity to do an apprenticeship working with the Community Film Unit and Surrey County Council. The reason why...
Xinghai park by TravelPod member mcoppins Xinghai Park 1 by TravelPod member nietsreuef 5a. Xinghai Park by TravelPod member hansen.eric Still in Xinghai park by TravelPod member mcoppins Tiger Beach...
[MUSIC PLAYING] From the Royal Institution in London, DemoJam. Featuring designer of particle accelerators, Suzie Sheehy. Vision researcher and engineering lecturer, Ben Craven. Protein...
Hello everyone! I'm Ionut, Samsung Mobiler from Romania In this video I'll quickly review the new Smart mirrorless from Samsung the Samsung NX30. Let's start! NX30 follows the...
Lewis: Jack, We're On Jack: HEY! Lewis:Hey you guys! Jack: Merry Christmas! Lewis: Happy New Year! Lewis: So it's literally just turned New Year Jack: YES! Lewis: we're...