Aw, Libra and Sagittarius can make a really good match. Just look at Sagittarian Ozzy Osbourne and his Libran wife, Sharon -- whom I think is fantastic and in a lot of ways a great role model for...
When two Aries fall in love, it can be extremely hot — I mean, this is a Fire sign, after all. And fire feeds fire, right? But whenever there's too much heat, there's the danger of...
You are a fluke of the universe. You have no right to be here. Deteriorata. Deteriorata. Go placidly amid the noise and waste, And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof. Avoid...
Taurus and Leo are very strong signs, and so as a duo there's a lot of intensity and passion and electricity between them. Taurus is an earth sign, which in astrology means it seeks stability...
Okay, when two signs are right next to each other in the Zodiac, like Leo and Virgo are, there's always a good, strong sexual spark between them. So that's the first thing to know...
I want to bring some incense in here and just, kind of, you know, get some energy, maybe come meditate. NARRATOR: Self-described hippie chick Krista wants a house in Durango, Colorado, with good...
to want to know what's going on in tennessee down in tennessee and jim speaking of movies never the movie the hunger games where it's like guy hey you know you're living in...
Brian: Hello, hello and welcome to CatalystMLM. I'm Brian Swichkow and today on the show we have Tanya Aliza. Tanya was working for six years in the corporate world, and working 12 hour days....
Wow, Aries and Gemini — a Fire sign and an Air sign together — have you ever been sitting by a campfire when a big gust of wind blows in? You know what happens — sparks fly everywhere, and everyone...