Abbie is 5 year old at Wish charter school. She has cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a congenital disorder that affects the brain and it makes it difficult for muscle coordination, muscle reflexes,...



****Fisher-Price Rainforest High Chair ++ Fisher-Price Rainforest Healthy Care High Chair REVIEWS ****Fisher-Price Rainforest High Chair ++ Fisher-Price Rainforest Healthy Care...
So, now we're going to talk about, how to get their fingers to move quickly, and efficiently, and not be flat, or some other incarnation of terrible, that they will try to pull off. So, um now...



Smarty - March Rain Sticks Craft Like Autism Live on Facebook at Making a Rain Stick is a great way for our kids to practice fine motor skills as well as work on...
In the Therapeutic Recreation Program, we provide recreational opportunities for kids in both group settings as well as individual one- on-one sessions. We do all kinds of recreational activities with...
Dancing Eggs is a really fun coordination game for all ages. The object of Dancing Eggs is to collect as many eggs as possible, which are my points. To determine who earns an egg, players will take...
Hi, I'm Dr. David Hill, and today we're going to talk about, milestones in your baby's development, during the first year of life. Now obviously a ton of stuff happens in that...
[synthesizer plays in bright rhythm & tone] ¶ ¶ (female narrator) Kids love to move. It's easy to see the joy in their faces and body language when they're in motion. Movement...



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