Hi everyone from AC News! Let's see the today's trailer, cinema news is coming up! Daniel Radcliffe, the actor that has interpreted Harry Potter in all eight films is coming back on...
Opera scritta dalla Divina Sapienza per gli eletti degli ultimi tempi 30.10.11 Eletti, amici cari, per qualunque cosa confidate in Me. Nella gioia e nella tristezza confidate in Me: se Mi parlate, vi...



Sono Felice Santarcangelo e sono il portavoce pro tempore dell’Associazione No scorie Trisaia. Siamo nati nel 2003 contro il deposito di scorie nucleari a Scansano Ionico il comitato si chiama Non...
Hi, everybody! I'm Julia Rios, and this is my cat, Desdemona, also known as Monster. Monster is super excited to be scritched, just like I'm super excited that we have 50 Pozible...
01 On the Road to Bombinhas by TravelPod member zento 02 Inside the Bus by TravelPod member zento 03 Tito serving dessert by TravelPod member zento 04 4am line to cross Brazilian border by TravelPod...
Hi. Thanks for joining us today on Dell Shares. I'm Rob Williams. With me today is Brian Gladden, CFO -- How are you doing, Rob? -- and Steve Felice, chief commercial officer. Thanks for...



The whole world is our home, and others' gullible ignorance lets us live and revel in the lap of luxury. And others' gullible ignorance lets us live and revel in the lap of luxury ......
Look at that moon, feel the wind the Grass in the fields, the shining stars. the fresh scent of roses in May with the kisses you gave me my heart goes crazy with love I want to sing of dear and...



Name's Michael Chan. Served my country in Iraq as part of a Special Forces unit. Real Black Ops shit. After my tour I was offered a position at as Chief Tactical Officer of E.T. Affairs at...