Federal elections commission

today is double alltel day for the republicans have to their electoral victories the g_o_p_'s turned in on itself and there's a smell of civil war in there for city party branch of the...
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>>> Coming up next on "Arizona Horizon," the United States supreme court strikes down part of an Arizona voter registration law. Also tonight, details of what a...
"What I would be interested in is whether it's true that we still today ... and I take this suggestion from the Stuttgarter Zeitung (newspaper) ... that we today are still so to speak...
>>> Coming up next on "Arizona Horizon," we'll hear from the head of the state's elections department on yesterday's supreme court ruling...
Hands down the McCutcheon Supreme Court Case will give you the most bribery. So let's talk about about corruption. Based on this chart which would you choose? McCutcheon for sure. McCutcheon....
you don't love me vote giving it runs about two packs a set of dominated by you don't have to agree to be middle class and immediately if you really excited about that ronnie in your...
so the sampaio n uh... was giving an emotional speech editor recency fact and weber top terrace was consultants these spots not by choice unique way outweigh discuss opens evacuation the next election...
MIKE PAPANTONIO: Welcome back to Ring of Fire. I'm Mike Papantonio. Citizens United opened the doors for unlimited corporate money in elections. Because of that, we're left with...