Thank you, Ambassador Tefft and thank you all for being here. Let me extend a greeting to Ukraine’s Minister of Social Policy and I ask you to join me in welcoming her this morning. I am really...
This video is a derivative work of the Touhou Project It differs in settings and interpretations from the original works Please be warned that it contains some violence and grotesque imagery Maribel...
(AmeriCorps Works Video and Photo Contest 2012) Welcome to AmeriCorps Week 2012. It’s a huge moment for National Service and a huge moment to shine a spotlight on how AmeriCorps Works! I am Liz...
Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we’ll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve and the community. Now, the news: Mere minutes after we released our last Weekly Round-Up...
Web-Rover-1 lets you control a mini Mars rover from any smartphone, tablet or desktop web browser. It's a fun, hands-on activity designed to engage school children with the challenges of...
1. What's within the Box? PlayStation Facts The Playstation 4 features PlayStation 4 Facts a power wire and HDMI wire, one DualShock some controller and also a PlayStation 4 Facts micro-USB...
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2-At the summit by TravelPod member annek 24 - Our 'resort' on Besar (Perhentian Islands) by TravelPod member pfprincess Sunset over Borneo by TravelPod member callmejoseph The valley...