Do you remember the love Tormented love from the heart? It wasn't but music at night It is an eternal love It is a misfortune It is a misfortune Go now and be... Go now and be in love Remember...
Well, I�ve gone and done it. With this, I�ve finished the Atelier Iris trilogy, a series of games I played informed by both the recent PS3 offerings (consisting mostly of girls being confused and...
This is for Crimson Shadows, Part Two. I will be doing Young Omega, Kennebak, Hyde and Comet. Young Omega: "Mom... I'm Different, Aren't I?" "I hate being a...
Miku: "I wonder how long it's been since my brother and I began to see things other people can't see." Miku: "My big brother. He was so sweet and...
Welcome to the FloorIT Tutorial. A tile simulator by BFT. Click on the Floor IT tab and register yourself with all the required details. accept the terms and conditions and you will get a link of your...
These days, the adjective “vanilla” has come to refer to anything bland, uninteresting, or just downright plain, all thanks to its abject dominance in the ice-cream sector. But then along came...
Boy, you can tell this game was made in the nineties. How, you ask? Let us count the ways! Uh, it’s a platformer, it says “radical” in the title, it’s about a dinosaur...he rides a skateboard. Might...
Antarik Many years ago almost 10 years back a few students came together to start First Frame. It was the love for cinema that they wanted to show. They wanted to give something back to the society....
I don’t know if this is known, but I am a huge X-Files fan. Absolutely, entirely, completely obsessed with everything X-Files. So needless to say, I was excited about the idea of a new X-Files game,...
こんばんわぁ!あぐりです。今回から「四ノ刻・秘祭」編のスタートです。前回「三ノ刻」編で離れ離れになった、姉「繭」と合流し新たな展開に入っていきます!どんな恐怖が待ち受けているんでしょう?さて、早速はじめましょう! 「四ノ刻・秘祭」スタートガ━━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━━ン!! 姉の「繭」と合流した直後から、スタートです! 首のない雛が2体ありましたね・・・。...