In terms of the history of "couture", "couture", like I said, developed in France and historically "couture" was, and is, rather expensive, kind...
Now the next step is that we have to do drafting, and show to the master what we are going to make. The drafting, you can say it is a pattern making. Okay, before that some of the designers just took...
Here, I have another version of a capelet. This one has more of a military inspired look. I have right here, I did the closures on it with these being little. This would in my head be chain, like some...
Since trench coats, they vary in style, they vary in color, they vary in texture. Different fabrics. But a trench coat is always classic. No matter how you do it. If you want to throw on something...
This jacket I created to be a jacket like you would imagine I Dream of Jeannie era like a 50's housewife whose throwing a party, this is her jacket. She's got a dress on underneath or...
Here I have my version two of my mod coat. This one has been developed, a little bit further. And this, I can envision as again, more mid-century modern type, Austin Powers look. Where this, I see in...
Alright, so now I?m thinking to myself that I've got it done and, but let say, I want a polka dot fabrics. It?s blue silk with polka dots. So I?m going to go ahead and just add the details....
This next style the front style opening is called an oval. Now I've gone over these in the past but I've never taken it to the depth that it probably needs to go. This is an oval neck...
With these sunglasses, I decided to make them more angular, a little bit severe, kind of reminiscent of She-Ra, with the horned-rim, pointy glasses. So, make sure that when you're doing...