What's up everybody? Today we're talking about the American Apparel neon t-shirt. Now this thing has been selling like crazy over the last few months. It comes in five colors which you...
My name is Julie Barbee, my clothing line is Frocky JackMorgan, on behalf of Expert Village, this is a tutorial on recycling and de constructing old clothes. Another principle of deconstruction is...
My name is Julie Barbee, my clothing line is Frocky JackMorgan. On behalf of Expert Village, this is a tutorial on recycling and deconstructing old clothes. Another principle of deconstruction that...
My name is Julia Barbee my clothing line is Frocky Jack Morgan and on behalf of Expert Village this is a tutorial on recycling and deconstructing old clothes. So we are going to talk a little bit...
Hello, my name is Gabriela Garzon, and I'm an image consultant, with G.G. Image & Etiquette Consulting, in Coral Gables, Florida. In this clip, I'm going to talk about how to...
Hi I am Julie Ann Brown, and I am the Chair of Finance, International Business and Marketing here at Santa Barbara City College. It’s wonderful to be invited to talk with our Santa Barbara City...
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Hi, my name is Doctor Kim Makoi. I'm a holistic chiropractor in San Francisco, and this is how you get rid of hiccups in ten seconds. Hiccups, while still a bit of a medical mystery,...
O Sage ERP X3 oferece uma estrutura flexível multi-empresa, multi-local e multi-moeda que pode ser gerenciado por um grupo gestor que compartilha de dados, regras e processos enriquecidos pelas...

