Short sleeves, again they're very very basic. But, there's so many variations to a short sleeve that again design possibilities completely limitless for like a t-shirt type short...
The term for this type of collar that you can use to build your own ideas from, is either called a sword collar or it can be called a peaked collar. That is coming from the fact that it has points...
Our next style of openings is a Pierrot opening. I think of this kind of like thinking about a clown suit, or almost Elizabethan with its points; only Elizabethan would be obviously up higher. But...
This style of collar or opening is called the rounded Chelsea collar. And what that means is that it's more, it's the technical term for it. It is what it is. It's called than...
This type of collar is called a double breasted notched shawl collar. That's a tongue twister and a half. Now the double breasted part of the term comes from the fact that it's, one...
The next style of neck opening that you can have is a drape shawl with embroidered panels. As you're watching this and learning how to do this stuff, remember I'm not saying that this...
The next opening style is a rollback shawl collar. What that means is you're going to have a shawl collar that rolls over on itself. And the roll part of it comes in along this line, right...
Siempre estoy investigando, estudiando y probando con prototipos. Puedo recoger diversos datos a través de estos experimentos y estar ajustándolos sutilmente para identificar más variaciones. Creo...
This opening is called a deep v obviously because that is what it makes, it makes a deep v. Here I have it drawn with some curvature. It doesn't have to be, it can be ok , this would also be a...
This next style of hat is called a tam o' shanter, but you've probably heard of it called a tam. That's just the technical term is a tam o' shanter that is...