Don’t forget, this is an interactive video, when ever you see this symbol, click for more info! >> KAT: When it comes to teen wear it can be difficult to strike the right balance...
[Buzzer] >>You go T! You go T! >>Coach Cardoza: We are going to compete, we are going to play to the final buzzar and that we can play with the best of them. Our goals are...
Bay-C icon Yow! ListenMi ListenMi ListenMi News And we're live. Hold Hold on, you're recording? Yes! Good evening. Welcome to ListenMi news. Testament The top stories making ListenMi...
sometimes and i was like going to destroy your hand in the air and a contest do their thing welcomed emilia limits michelle rodriguez and forest college and showing them to take over young hollywood...
My name is Tooka Kherykhah, on Executive MBA 2010 intake, and I have recently handed over my business master project. The subject is how luxury fashion brands should use digital media in Dubai to...
[OLD MAN] Nervous? [YOUNG MAN] A little. [Pause] [OLD MAN] I want to give you something- um- pretty special in our family. It belonged to my father. It belonged to his father before him. [Grunts]...
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>>Mark 2009 was my first year at Temple >>Eva He said I want to do a hands on project >>Mark And we collaborated to create this project. >> Eva...
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