Be the Future Honey We Create Opportunities that Empower People Honey Ultimate 2011/12 Fashion Shoot Hi, I'm Candice and this is our Ultimate 2011 Fashion Shoot shot here right in Cape Town....
Well, before we describe what fashion designing is, we should know what fashion is. Over the year and since the fashion is just become an essential for our day to day life. So, we should concentrate...
Hello I'm Cheri Ashwood, I'm a guidance counselor and today I'm going to tell you how much does a fashion designer make. My research showed that fashion designers make an...
Hello, this is Bruno Lesteven I am a handwoven artisan and I work in Brittany In my opinion, hemp is the most ecological fiber ever As it hardly needs pesticides to be grown Just sunlight is enough...
Hi all. This is Fashion Story Carnival. You probably remember the old game which was just Fashion Story. In this game you run a fashion shop. There we go. If you click into catalogue, if it will let...
Hello I'm Cheri Ashwood, I'm a guidance counselor, and today I'm going to tell you how much does a fashion coordinator make. A fashion coordinator may also be referred to as a...